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Cuu du lieu hinh anh ca nhan the nho trancend 16gb rut nong bad sector - 13/09/2017 Rescue Image Data Memory Card Trancend 16GB - hot, bad sectors, not detect. Anh Phu - 0906 72 14 93 - Anh Phu needs to get all the image data captured on the phone.


13/09/2017 Rescue Image Data Memory Card Trancend 16GB - hot, bad sectors, not detect. Anh Phu - 0906 72 14 93 - Anh Phu needs to get all the image data captured on the phone.

13/09/2017 Rescue Image Data Memory Card Trancend 16GB - hot, bad sectors, not detect. Anh Phu - 0906 72 14 93 - Anh Phu needs to get all the image data captured on the phone.

Memory card Phu bad bad sector very bad, can not use the usual way to open the data. Miu Tú tools URE map Image and exported more than 2GB in 30 minutes. A Phu brought a box of trancend to check and copy.